COLA (Coming Out Living After)

Queer Community Discussion Group

COLA will resume in September

IMPORTANT: COLA is looking for facilitators for next year.

If you would like to help, get in touch with us.

When and where?

When: Meetings take place Mondays, 7:00-8:30.  All members are invited to grab a coffee afterward, usually at Common Ground.

Where: At the Ban Righ Centre (next to Ban Righ Hall), 32 Bader Lane, Queen's University, Kingston ON.

We hope to see you at our next

What is COLA?

Coming Out Living After (COLA) is a Queer discussion group for all members of the Kingston community.  It's a great place to hang out, meet new people and discuss topics that pertain to the LGBTTQQIIAA community. Everyone is welcome!

COLA provides a positive, inclusive and confidential environment.  Some members may choose to use pseudonyms.  All members are asked to keep discussions 100 % private.

We are not a professional counselling service.  For more information about services available, check out our links page.

Kingston, Ontario

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